Monday, August 28, 2006

Trying To Find Convenience

I told Steve that the new fall session of the boxing class begins two days before the Loyola Park boxing show. He sighed and said the new people will probably not get much of a class that day. New people always seem to show up around the boxing show and in the middle of the Golden Gloves tournament. He doesn't want to give the short shrift to the new people, but it's hard when he's has to prepare the guys who have matches lined up.

Hopefully, I can continue making time to go to JABB Gym on the weekends. I'm supposed to begin singing lessons with an opera singer next month. From prior conversations, she told me that Saturday would be a better day for her. However, that's the only time I can go to JABB, and I have to go early because they close early on Saturdays. Windy City Gym could have been another option, but it's a bit of a hassle traveling over the west side on public transportation. Once you get off the 'L' train, it's another several blocks before you get to the street where Windy City is located. I'm thinking I won't take singing lessons every Saturday, leaving a couple of weekends where I can work out. Glynn, the choir director's husband, told me yesterday that I looked like I had lost some weight. If I did, I have to attribute that to the extra workouts at JABB.

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