Sunday, April 23, 2006

Good Sparring

Saddiq sparred with Pierre, a guy who normally trains with the Evanston Boxing Club. Pierre has sparred with Junior in the past. Saddiq continues to amaze me as how mild-mannered he appears to be, and his viciousness in the ring. Pierre's nose was bloodied up a bit.

Only two of the new folks showed up tonight: Fara and Mike. I promised Mike I would show him how to put his wraps on the next time he comes to the gym.

I was pooped out early. Eating too much of the wrong stuff this week, namely Eli's cheesecake, and not exercising at other times are the culprits. I'll be glad when the outdoor roller skate wheels I ordered come in this week. The weather is getting better, and I'm going to do a lot of street skating to supplement working out in the gym.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no, then you'll need a whole 'nother blog for skating!