Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Keeping Youths In

I had to attend another instructor's meeting today.  The topic of how to keep youths in the park district programs came up.  Several people, including me, pointed out that if there is no cooperation from parents and guardians, keeping youths in the programs is very difficult.

When dealing with a parent or guardian who displays an indifferent attitude about their kid's presence in the boxing program, my attitude is "If the parent/guardian doesn't care, I don't care either."  It's a waste of my energy to keep trying to convince people that it is beneficial for their kids to show up.  It is very frustrating, and heartbreaking as well when I notice that a kid really likes boxing and wants to be there but has no support at home.

However, if I also have to deal with a kid being disrespectful, lazy, rude, etc., on top of their parent or guardian's indifference, I'm done.  I don't agree with what appears to be the park district's thought that I should keep someone around at all costs just to show I have the numbers.  I'm not shy about telling people that their child needs to sign up for something else.  A small number of motivated, teachable kids and teens is more pleasant to take.  It beats having a crowded gym full of youths who really don't want to be there, who have been registered by their parents and guardians for the wrong reasons, etc.

A manager at the meeting told the attendees that we need to plan for next year.  I always plan to have someone compete at the City-Wide Boxing Tournament and in the Chicago Golden Gloves.  I always plan what to do to get the kids to those competitions.  My plans have yet to work out because once again, it depends on whether or not I get cooperation from parents and guardians.  Some parents and guardians never talk to me; they just dump their kids off and leave (or have someone else do that).  It was suggested that maybe employees should reach out and ask them what they may need in terms of getting their kids to the program regularly.  That's been done, too -- mostly by the gym volunteer because I don't have the patience or the time, frankly -- and still, no good results.  It makes me wonder if some of the parents and guardians are operating like that with their kids' school teachers.  

A major part of any park district program working effectively is having the parents/guardians and the person running the program act as a team to make the program enjoyable and worthwhile for the youths.  If that's not happening, then the program suffers.

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