Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Dexter's Non-Existent (C)Rap Career

Dexter had the nerve to stroll into the boxing gym after the teen class had ended.  I informed him that he wasn't in the class anymore.  I had dropped Dexter after not showing up for the class for two weeks.  I couldn't call his house to let his parents/guardians know because of false information that Dexter had put on the paper registration form I gave him.  That was the second reason why I withdrew Dexter from class.
Once again, I was subjected to a series of sob stories, including the claim that he had been locked up for a couple of weeks.  Allegedly, the cops pulled Dexter over, but as far as I know, he doesn't have a car or knows how to drive.  I didn't get an explanation about exactly why a lock down took place.  "Someone at home should have called here and left a message for me as to why you couldn't be here," I pointed out.  Dexter tried to make like I was crazy and misinformed when I told him the phone numbers he gave me were not valid.
I can't go for that, especially out of some kid.  I would have been knocked on my behind by my late parents for lying to them like Dexter lied to me.  "I'm not giving out any more paper registration forms, Dexter.  If you want to sign up for the summer class, I need to talk to your parent or guardian face-to-face," I curtly said.  I went on to explain how Dexter's actions could have got me in trouble with my supervisor and caused further trouble for the program in general.  I wasted my breath.  Dexter showed zero respect for me, the program, and the park district.
In what he thought was a parting shot before walking out, Dexter told me, "My rap career is going to take off in a couple of weeks anyway, so I don't think I'll have time to box."  I would have laughed in the kid's face if I wasn't so steamed.  If I had a dollar for every kid who's come through that gym announcing they were going to be a rapper, I could have retired a few years ago.  
The summer boxing class for those 12-years-old and under is full as of today.  Kayla was the last one to make it in.  Unfortunately, that doesn't bode well for some of the other kids currently in the spring session.  Tyvell and Terrance were allowed to return to class by their parent/guardian, but they aren't registered for the summer class.  Neither is Diego, Yamira, or Fabian.  If they want to be in the class, they'll have to go onto the wait list and hope that someone drops out of class (or, when I put someone out of class for non-attendance).  Now if only the teen and adult classes would fill up as fast.

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