Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday's Workout Time

Alan and I were the only ones in the gym for almost an hour last night until Jamil came in.  No one else showed up.  Next week begins the fall session, so I guess they'll all come in then.

I had a good workout, and one of the toughest I've had in awhile.  I told Alan that my right eye was good for the time being.  He had me working with increasing intensity on the heavy bags, and on the punch doughnut, which he held for me.  Later, Jamil and I did burn out (interval training) on the heavy bags.  I was worn out and sore, but it was good for me. 

Today, I will concentrate more on the cardio aspect.  I have to make up for lost time, since I was wasn't sparring between eye doctor appointments.  I have a follow-up eye appointment next week; here's hoping that turns out well.

Bill at Hamlin told Alan that he had a beginning fighter to match me up with for Loyola Park's boxing show next Friday.  Jamil wants to fight, but Alan told him there may not be a match for him, depending on who's available.  Anthony may fight, and Alan also put Evangelina's name down as a possibility.  It's up in the air whether Barry will have many kids lined up for the boxing show, because so many of them have not been in the gym lately.  There's not much time left to train.  

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