Thursday, September 04, 2008

Fall Approaching

I was looking at the many pictures I've taken at the gym and at boxing events. It's rather sad that I don't see the guys on a regular basis anymore. It's just as sad that the adult boxing program is still in limbo down at Loyola Park.

The kids are there on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and I've been forgetting to stop in to see Barry and everyone else. The idea occurred to me to empty out my locker. Maybe one of the kids could use that locker. But then, the combination lock on there is not mine; it belongs to JJ. There's always the hope that the adult portion of the program -- which Mary fought to have at the fieldhouse along with the kids' program -- will be resurrected. Then I would have need of the locker again.

Since fall is approaching, and my diabetes and high blood pressure still exist, I do need to get myself in an exercise program. I like the Loyola Park field house, but most of the other sports programs there are for kids and teens. I believe there's a class for adults, but I'm not a fan of aerobics.

I could shadow box at home. I have boxing exercise DVDs. But I can't seem to bring myself to do it. I miss using the equipment. I miss learning techniques and tricks. I miss the guys. I miss the smell of the gym.

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