Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Night Grumbling

Steve told me something that made a lot of sense tonight. He sees the adult boxing program as being designed mainly for those in their late teens to mid-twenties. Those are the folks who would most likely be interested in competing. Plus, they have the stamina for it. After all, boxing is a young person's game. Of course, someone older, such as myself, is welcomed to join the program, and put in a workout. However, any amateur coach's time would be better spent on working with possible young contenders, then trying to get matches for people over 35 years of age. Unfortunately, the Masters division of USA Amateur Boxing gets no respect.

Older Jim was asking what happened to Igor. I assumed that Igor just disappeared again. "He probably was discouraged that he didn't get into the Golden Gloves. But he should be in here training for next year," Older Jim stated. It doesn't matter if Igor comes to the gym every week from here until next spring. He's about the same age as me, and his chances for making it into that tournament are just as dismal as mine. As disappointing as it was, I had to finally give up on that dream. Eventually, Igor and Paris will have to give up on their visions of glory in the ring.

I'm not sure what Older Jim's aims are in relation to boxing. He has mentioned that he teaches what he picks up in the gym to his son at home. Older Jim now follows the workout plan that was posted in the gym years ago by a former coach named Harlein, who unfortunately is now deceased.

Older Jim doesn't seem to understand that it's a program, not a class. The place is run as a traditional gym. No instructor is going to come out at the beginning and ask people to gather around each time. It doesn't work like that. He left early, grumbling to a guy out in the hallway that "The coach is spending all his time with the contender!" Steve was working with JJ at the time. "I want to learn boxing and there are no teachers here, so I'm outta here!" Older Jim continued to snap. No teachers? Really? I held the pads for him on Wednesday night, and also gave him some pointers on the double end bag. Older Jim has asked other guys in the gym to assist him when Steve was occupied with other boxers. He has also stated that he's mimicked the moves of the other boxers in order to pick up techniques. For him to say he's hasn't been taught anything is false. At this point, I'm wondering: if Older Jim is so dissatisfied, then why does he keep coming to the gym?

None of the newcomers came in tonight, which is a good sign that none of them may return. It's a shame that so many newcomers give up so early. The cost of the program is low, but money wasted is still money wasted.

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