Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Frank Talk

Once again, Paris expressed to Steve his desire to become a professional boxer, despite of his middle-aged status. Steve frankly explained to him that his chances for that are nil. Steve asked Older Jim to also talk to Paris, figuring Paris would understand it better from a man closer to his age. Instead, Older Jim stated that Paris should be able to pursue his gym, and that Steve should help him achieve it.

Of course, Steve is not going to do that on the basis that it is fruitless to do so. Older Jim made his usual complaints about himself not being taught boxing. "The coach is too busy working with the contenders," he grumbled to me later. To an extent, that is true. However in Steve's defense, the contenders have proven themselves to be serious enough about the sport to put the work in. Also, some of them have helped the program in and out of the gym. For example, both JJ and Mike have helped out in the corners at boxing matches.

This is only the second week of the spring session, and already, the newbies have disappeared. Younger Jim was the only one of the four from last week who came in today. I helped him with technique on the heavy bags and the double-end bag. Who knows why the other three didn't come in. Steve works with everybody, but it is irritating when he puts efforts into helping folks out who drop out not long after the session begins. The same goes for folks who go MIA, then show up a few weeks later, expecting Steve to drop what he's doing to catch them up. Then they become absent again.

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