Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday Only

I wasn't feeling well on Wednesday, so I didn't go to the gym. I went in this past Friday, and the crowd was small. The married couple, Andy, JJ and Tommy were there.

When I picked up my World Boxing Championships uniform earlier in the week, I was given four free tickets. I chose to go to the matches on Halloween, since I took that as a vacation day. Steve and JJ expressed interest in going, but JJ has to work, so he may not be able to go. I also told Steve that since Barry and Gary are also volunteers, they should have free tickets, too.

Tommy and I were laughing about the Oscar DeLaHoya picture incident, the one where pictures were posted of him in risque clothing on the Internet. DeLaHoya has denied the pictures are of him, and Steve said the photos looked like a Photoshop job. "He's too much of a businessman, and too much of a big image to mess up to do something like that," Steve said.

Terrell and Wally came in. Wally announced that he has graduated from college, with a degree in computer science. "I'm just waiting on Terrell to get finished," he said. Terrell is a junior at a college in Mississippi, carrying a double major in biology and chemistry. "Those are some tough subjects," Steve pointed out. "But they go well together," I told Terrell. He's better than I: science was one of my worst subjects while I was in school.

Yesterday, I ran into Tall Ben, who was walking with his girlfriend and their kids. "You don't spar down there, do you?" he asked. "No women are available. The new ones that come in don't want to spar," I said. Linda, the administrative assistant who works downstairs at my job, had asked me the same thing earlier on Friday. It's been months. I think the last person I sparred with was Erin, right before she had her fight out at the Sabre Room. I miss that type of practice. But then, on the other hand, with my sprained shoulder, I need to cool out on that for a minute.

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