Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Forgetting and Other Issues

The class for those 12-years-old and under is full, but only Damaris and Jaylen bothered to show up yesterday for the first class of the summer session.  Jaylen didn't have any of his personal boxing gear with him.  Sahia and I were told that his mother wouldn't let him come home to get his personal boxing gear for some reason.  Luckily, there is equipment in the gym.  As for Damaris, she was doing her usual lallygagging.  I made clear to her that she was not going to participate in tomorrow's boxing show.

Courtesy calls were made to remind parents and guardians that the summer session has begun.  I got the usual, "Oh, I forgot", excuses from a few of them.  I've come to learn that "I forgot" often means there has been a change of plans regarding attending the class.  I guess it's too much like right to tell me they are no longer interested.  Aarav's parents did what I expected they were going to do.  "We'll bring him in on Saturdays, then we'll see if he can do the other days," I was told.  I will remind them like I did when Aarav was in the class a few sessions ago that I'm not going to put their son in boxing shows if their son can't train more regularly.  Voice mail picked up at the other numbers I dialed.

I've received several inquiries about the class lately from parents and guardians whose kids don't meet the age requirement.  Apparently, no one is going online or reading the paper schedules and fliers before talking to me.  There are a few park district gyms that accept kids under the age of eight, but not at the gym where I am.  I told one young woman with a three-year-old and a five-year-old that some private boxing gyms and martial arts dojos will accept younger kids. 

As usual, I've also received inquiries from parents who wait until the week school is out - which is this week - to look for summer activities.  I'm still trying to figure out why people wait until June to register for anything.  The disappointed looks I see every year when they discover everything is full has become tiring. 

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