Monday, September 02, 2013

Who To Know

A boxer is alone once they step into the ring with someone, but that doesn't necessarily mean that boxers don't have teams.  There are people that it would help boxers to have both in and out of the corner whether as friends or acquaintances. Some examples are:

1) Doctors - Of course, everyone should have regular general practitioners, optometrists, etc., that they see (although I know from experience that it's tough to do this without health insurance and/or money).  It would be helpful to have a doctor who understands sports injuries and who won't raise their eyebrows when they hear about anyone who is involved in boxing.

2) Police officers - Some may wonder why.  I'm the daughter of a former state cop, and I get it.  A lot of people don't want cops around even if they are doing their job.  But consider this:  there are a lot of cops who box, so they know what that life is like.  Contrary to what some lawyers believe, cops know the law, also.  Boxing and most other defensive arts can be useful for getting out of potentially dangerous situations on the street.  However, there are boxers who are doing community service, or worse yet, doing time, because of not knowing when to back off and pick battles properly.  A police officer can give some insight on what is legal to do.

3) Pharmacists -- I'm not necessarily talking about the ones who work for the major drug store chains.  There are plenty of independent pharmacies that still exist.  The smaller places offer great customer service, and the staff can probably give better suggestions on what gauze, bandages, ointment, etc. will work the best, not just the name brand items.

4) Massage therapists --  A good rub down is always helpful for sore muscles.  Seek out those who are just starting out or offer their services on a sliding scale to perhaps get discounts.

5)  Clerks in sporting good stores that sell boxing equipment -- They can let you know about new products and discounts on current ones.

6) Gym owners --  It's good to get out of one's own gym and get sparring and training in elsewhere from time to time. The owners may let people they know get in a work out once in awhile for free, or for at least a good discount. They're also a good source of knowledge about upcoming bouts.

7) Religious leaders -- Depending on how a pastor, rabbi, etc., feels about fighting sports, it's nice to have someone who will offer up extra prayers on a boxer's behalf as they go into matches.

8) Professional boxers -- Very few are going to get that close to someone like Mayweather, Pacquiao, Cotto, and the like.  But journeymen boxers are the ones who are most likely going to be seen hanging out at amateur shows and tournaments.  Unlike some famous actors, singers, and musicians, journeymen are mostly accessible and they are friendly.  Ask them a question or for a picture, and most are happy to oblige.  And who knows?  The journeyman (or woman) whom you become acquainted with may be tomorrow's million dollar champion.

9) Personal trainers --  Even if there's no funds to see them on a regular basis, it won't hurt to ask about different exercise techniques or nutrition when you see them.  Some love to give that information out in regular conversation, so just listen and take notes.

If you have suggestions on other people whom boxers should know, I'd love to read about it.  Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section.

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