Thursday, November 17, 2011

What A Difference Age Makes

I was surprised to see a different speed bag hanging up (in the photo above) when I got inside the gym Wednesday evening.  I like it a lot better than the other black, somewhat funny shaped speed bag that was there before.  I worked it for three rounds, and I liked the feel of it. 

Not many people in the gym tonight: Jacob, Amy, Sarah, Igor, Reggie, and Kevin.  Josh showed up at 8:45 PM.  "You don't think you're going to get much of a workout," Alan told him as he checked the time.  Josh replied, "I can get a couple of rounds."  He may have gotten one in, as it took time for him to wrap his hands.  Plus, he was talking to Alan for a few minutes.

The only sparring took place between Kevin and Reggie (the two guys in the ring in the above photo; Alan is watching from ringside).  Kevin kept pointing out that Reggie was quick.  "He keeps hitting me in the face," Kevin gasped a few times during the action.  "That's because you don't keep your hands up!" Alan said.  No matter how many times Alan pointed that out to him, Kevin kept his hands down.  I noticed that Reggie was giving Kevin chances to get off of the ropes instead of just charging in on him. 

Sigh. . .Igor (the guy in this picture).  Some people don't change.  While I was taking pictures of Kevin and Reggie's sparring session, Igor kept interrupting me to take several pictures of him.  Over and over he kept telling me how many prints he wanted, and that he wanted them on Monday.  It wasn't easy to hold down my exasperation, but I evenly told him after the umpteenth time, "I got it, Igor, but I'm going to wait until I have more pictures on the camera before I print all of them.  It's going to be awhile before I do that."  My purpose of taking pictures in the gym is not to have a portfolio of pictures featuring Igor. 

"Do you mind if you don't spar tonight?  There's not many people here," Alan said to me.  "No, I don't care.  I've been feeling old this week anyway," I said, and both Alan and I grinned.  He's been complaining about his back, and today he was talking about dragging around.  My lower back has been bothering me lately, and my knees, well. . .the both of them hurt every day, the right one worse than the left one.  Alan was talking about him maybe not sparring anymore if he keeps feeling stiff and sore.  I've been groaning since October about my various aches and pains.  I think both Alan and I (we're ten years apart in age) are showing our years. 

Jacob no longer has to wear the little cast he had on his thumb, but his thumb still feels sore.  He didn't ask his doctor if he could spar.  Alan figured his doctor would most likely tell Jacob not to do it. 

I like this shot I took near the end of the evening. . . I didn't realize that Jacob (far left), Alan (in the middle), and Reggie (on the right) were all laughing when I snapped the picture. 

A few seconds later, I just moved the camera over to the left so I could get Kevin (the redhead on the far left) in the picture.  I don't remember what the guys were laughing about.  Probably another dirty joke. . .there are so many ones told down at the gym, but since this is a family blog, I don't dare print them.  Trust me, they're funny.

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