Thursday, June 02, 2011

Take It Out On The Bags

The gym was closed for Memorial Day, then vertigo sneaked up on me again on Tuesday.  I woke up dizzy again this morning, but after moving slowly to sit up, the dizziness disappeared. Pastor Roger joked that it may be because of the hits that I've taken in the gym, but seriously, it's diabetes, high blood pressure, menopause or all three.  I haven't figured out which one is the main culprit yet.  It still a bit disturbing that before the last bout I had, the doctor had given me a clean bill of health. 

As a precaution, I did not spar on Wednesday evening. Instead, I targeted the 150 pound heavy bag, the speed bag and the double end bag.  Normally, I'd do three rounds of shadow boxing, but I only did two.  The focus was on throwing uppercuts correctly, and as usual, reminding myself to move my head.  Kenny and Alan were commenting on how I throw hooks while I was on the heavy bag.  They both have said previously that I'm good at throwing them.  However, I don't throw enough of them when I'm in the ring.  "Joe Frazier's body stayed in one spot, but his head was always moving," Kenny said to Alan and I.  "She's been doing three rounds while sparring, but moving the head takes a lot of wind which she doesn't have," Alan said.  "I have to build up my stamina," I told them, which reminded me again that I need to make use of the gym at church.  Last summer, I ran around the church gym for three to four rounds, two times a week in order to get my wind up.  But my knees weren't as bad as they are now.

I learned that a guy whom I had a falling out with late last year came up to church recently to see Pastor Roger.  I try to practice "out of sight, out of mind" when it comes to some people, especially those who have disrespected me and ticked me off.  Pastor noticed that I bristled at the mention of the guy's name, and proceeded to give me a sermon about forgiving and forgetting.  Pastor likens the guy to the prodigal son.  Yeah, right.  "Mighty funny he's always coming up here to be friendly with you, but he can't apologize to me," I grumbled.  I noticed the guy made sure that I wasn't around when he paid his visit.  I pretended the heavy bag was the guy's head and body as I threw a lot of heavy hooks, making sure that each one connected. 

In the video above, Kenny and Professor sparred.  You can hear Alan (and see him near the end) giving instructions.  They were working while inside the ring.  See, this is why Mary doesn't want anyone sparring when Alan is not present.  . .there's always the chance that the guys will really take it to each other.  But, you know, they have to fight that way when they are in an actual match.  The boxers should work together to shore up each others' skills during sparring, but at the same time, people can't afford to play pitty-pat during training.  Especially if they are serious about competing.

Alan sparred with Kenny.  After they finished, Amy crossed the ring as a shortcut.  Alan still had his gear on, so he acted as if he was going to catch her with some punches.  She smiled and scooted past him out of the ring.  He's still trying to convince her to spar. 

Leon came in about fifteen minutes before closing time and got in a very abbreviated workout.  Otherwise, the place was kind of quiet.  We're still in the limbo period before the next session begins.  I heard Alan telling Professor about the once-a-month amateur fights at the Sabre Room out in Hickory Hills.  I'm still trying to get a schedule for the Park District boxing tournaments that start this summer.

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