Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Vertigo, Or The Shakest Fist In The (Mid)West

"Why are you here?" Alan asked me.  "Because I'm hard-headed," I answered, while shrugging my shoulders.  Sometime later, I fell up against the door of my locker, and Alan gave me a suspicious look.  "You thought I was going to collapse, didn't you?" I said.  "Yeah," Alan said with concern.  Now some of you are thinking: didn't this chick just say in an earlier post that she was suffering from what sounds like a bad case of vertigo?  Didn't she not go to work or the gym the other day because of it?  Then why was she at the gym on Wednesday?  In fact, why does she go down there when she knows she sick and/or injured?

There is a trick to it.  The main thing to do is to not spar.  Also, it's a good idea to take it easy on the equipment, and take a lot of breaks.  I had gone to work in the morning, and stayed longer because none of my work had been done, and it had to get done.  But that might have been too much because when I got home, I was feeling run-down again.  The heavy head feeling hasn't gone away completely. But where common sense would tell someone to stay home, I was thinking, "I don't want to miss a second day of being at the gym this week."  However, to cut down on temptation to spar, I left my headgear and mouthpiece at home.

Alan asked Sarah if she would spar with one of the guys since I wasn't feeling up to it.  Sarah's expression said, "Oh, no!", but Alan assured her it would be okay.  She got in with Jacob, and he wasn't hitting her hard.  She got some good head and body shots on him, however. 

Tommy came in, and he plans to make it in every week.  "When I see Jermaine, I'm going to try to get him in here," he said. Tommy said Jermaine was the one who got him to start coming to the gym, so he feels Jermaine should be in there again, too.

I figured out that I was raising my arms were looking like chicken wings in terms of how I would raise them while throwing uppercuts.  I made a conscious effort to keep the opposite arm closer as I executed the uppercut with the other arm.  It felt better to do it that way. 

I need to slow down from a lot of things I normally do, so I'm going to take it very easy the rest of this week. I doubt that I will spar for awhile, as I'm not sure what brought the vertigo on.    I told Pastor Roger that I have allergies, and he suggested that my sinuses being blocked for a time may have brought the condition on.  It's a possibility. .  .my allergies were acting up for days before that happened.

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