Thursday, February 15, 2007

Squats and Schedules

I managed to do squats for the first time since I injured my right knee over two months ago. Oh, yeah, it did hurt somewhat, but not as bad as it did weeks ago. Maybe in another few weeks I can go back to jumping rope.

Steve had schedules for the Chicago Park District's City-Wide Boxing Tournament, as well as the schedule for the fieldhouse boxing shows. I added them to my datebook at work, and I need to put them in my personal planner as well. Of course, chances of me getting a match at those events is nil, but I can still help out.

Didn't know until last night that Muhammad had broken his leg a few years ago. He was riding around in a car in Saudi Arabia, and got into a bad accident. Broke his femur in two. "My insurance didn't work with the private hospitals there, so I had to stay at a US-run hospital. The service was terrible," he told me. I had heard stories about Americans who needed urgent medical care while overseas before; none of the stories were pretty. Thank God his situation turned out okay.

Just last week, someone at church asked how I could I still box with arthritis in both knees. Now I have to train with another medical condition: mild diabetes. My doctor told me about it this morning when I went in for my physical. I'm still trying to figure out what is "mild" about diabetes. My dad and both my grandmothers had it, and they suffered with it the most before they passed away. My maternal grandma lost one of her legs and some of her toes before it was all over. I was not happy about having to drop a chunk of change at the drug store for a blood glucose machine and several different types of medications.

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