Sunday, November 20, 2016

Boxing Class Is Free, But Babysitting Costs Money

In this photo, I'm standing at the head of the table in a room at Brooks Park the day of their boxing show.  The other coaches were trying to get matches for their fighters.  Barry took the shot.  "Hillari, you're always taking pictures, but you are never in them," he said.

Yesterday was another light attendance day at LaFollette Park.  James was the only one who showed up for the kids' class.  Sometimes, I get irritated by James always pointing out the obvious about the other kids not showing up regularly. But he's got a point.  I've come to dread Saturdays because that has become the least productive day of the week.

The other James, who is in the teen class, showed up about ten minutes early with his mother.  Jamiya, his sister, wasn't with him, and their mother gave me no explanation for her daughter's absence.  "In order for them to learn this sport and to do well in it, they have to be here more than once every couple of weeks.  I can't put them in fights if they don't train enough.  When they miss days and weeks, they have to start all over again from the beginning.  Like any other sport, skill builds upon skill." I told their mother.  I pointed out that the adult class is now gone mainly because of low attendance.  "I'll try to get them here more often," the mom said, but I wasn't convinced based on her kids' track record. The mom didn't remember that boxing is not a seasonal sport, something I know I told her when she begged me to take her kids in the class even though it was the middle of the session.

Another teenage girl always shows up as James and Jamiya finishes up class.  She came in yesterday, and apparently doesn't realize that she is a distraction.  I don't know who she is -- perhaps a cousin, maybe a friend.  James let her play around with the kettlebell until I informed her she had to put it down because she's not registered for the class.  Seems like little missy had an attitude, but she needed to ask me if I gave a damn about her being irritated.

I changed out the bulletin board with the training schedule on it again.  I also updated some of the other signs that are up on the walls.  I'm curious to see how long a new sign which reads, "Boxing training is free.  Babysitting is $20.00 an hour" will last before someone notices it and makes a smart remark.

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